We've been working on Orange House since December. As those living in the midwest know, it has been one heck of a winter. Snow storm after snow storm. Ice storm after ice storm. Below zero temps, days on end below freezing. These are the conditions in which we've been lovingly restoring our home without heat and without water (notice the needle on the thermostat it doesn't go low enough!). Small space heaters have provided momentary relief. It has not been easy. Here's a self portrait of what Marlo has looked like this winter.

Though the days have left us ready for a warm, comfy bed, the work is progressing. Here are a few additional photos of beautiful features of the home: a 9 foot, solid wood, quarter sawn oak pocket door (don't get your fingers slammed in this one!), an original light fixture in the side entrance hall (originally gas), the side entrance, glass top hall door that leads to the former cook's kitchen and back stairwell (originally sectioning off the working or maid's quarter from the family area), and the back staircase.